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News & Announcements

New Year's Resolutions — You Don't Have to Wait!

Dec 22

Health & Wellness. The beginning of a new year is used as an opportunity for many to commit to making lifestyle changes. In order to build sustainable habits, it is important to consider not only the goal in mind but how you will achieve it as well.

gestational diabetes
What is gestational diabetes, and what are risk factors?

Dec 2

When diabetes starts during pregnancy, it is called gestational diabetes. Women with diabetes — whether or not it is classified as gestational diabetes — need special care during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes occurs when the pancreas produces its maximum amount of insulin, yet that is not enough to overcome the effect of the placenta's hormones.

Preterm Labor
Reducing Your Risk of Preterm Labor

Nov 18

In honor of Prematurity Awareness Month and World Prematurity Day, we’re joining with organizations around the world to bring awareness to the prevalence of preterm labor and birth.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Have You Scheduled Your Mammogram?

Oct 15

Virginia Women's Center | Richmond, Virginia | Have you scheduled your mammogram? Discovering breast cancer early, before it has spread, is the single best way to prevent a breast cancer-related death. One of the best ways to detect early cancer is by getting regular mammograms. This October, celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the best way possible ­— get a mammogram.

Family’s Health
Discover How Expecting Parents Are Protecting Their Family’s Health

Oct 7

Join us for a LIVE interactive webinar about the facts and myths of newborn stem cell preservation, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to protect your family's health.

Painful Period
It Hurts! Painful Period or Endometriosis?

Aug 18

Severe pelvic pain should not be swept under the rug—by you, or your provider. Pain that stops you from doing your normal activities—not easily managed by over-the-counter pain remedies, painful urination or bowel movements during your cycle, or pain between periods or during sex — could indicate a condition called endometriosis.

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean: Are You a Candidate?

Jul 20

If you had a cesarean delivery with a prior pregnancy, you may be wondering what that means for your future pregnancies. Many women now have two options: scheduling a c-section or attempting vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)

RVA Summer Pregnancy Survival Tips
RVA Summer Pregnancy Survival Tips

Jul 14

Richmond, Virginia, Virginia Women's Center, OBGYN, Summers in RVA are hot and humid—especially if you're pregnant. Here are a few tips to help you survive the next couple of months.

Dr. Heidi Braun
Managing Menopause and Perimenopause

Jun 4

Learn what to expect during perimenopause and menopause, how a doctor can help, and what you can do to prevent menopause from slowing you down.

Updated Visitor Policy
Visitor Policy Update: April 2021

Apr 22

We encourage you to come to your appointments alone whenever possible. With COVID-19 capacity and social distancing requirements.