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For most of us, RVA in the summer is uncomfortable due to the relentless heat and humidity. But if you’re pregnant, the mere thought of venturing out may make you wilt!
We've all known a pregnant friend who struggled to stay cool no matter how low the air conditioning is set. Or friends who slept on top of the covers with the ceiling fan on high while their husbands wore sweatshirts and sweatpants shivering under the covers. Hearing these stories along with weather forecasts for heat indices of 100+ can make you afraid to leave your house.
Pregnancy raises your body temperature. In fact, it’s one of the first hints that you’re pregnant. Combine an already elevated core temp with hot, muggy weather and the effect is intensified. Heat stress can cause hyperthermia and can – in extreme cases – harm your baby’s development. Dehydration can decrease the amount of blood available to your baby and cause preterm contractions. But with a little planning and a few extra precautions, you can survive – and thrive – being pregnant in the summer in central Virginia.
Tips to help you stay safe and beat the heat this summer.
Swelling of the legs, feet, and hands is another common pregnancy side effect, and summer temps can exacerbate your puffy extremities. If you notice that swelling doesn’t go away with rest, or it’s associated with a severe headache or pain on your right side, call your provider immediately. But most of the time following these simple guidelines will help reduce water retention and manage the swelling:
When pregnant, your hormones change drastically. Increased estrogen stimulates a temporary increase in your body’s production of melanin, and increased melanin means heightened sun sensitivity. Even short periods in the sun will cause existing freckles and moles to darken, and new spots to pop up. Roughly 50 to 75 percent of pregnant women develop blotchy areas of darkened skin call the “mask of pregnancy,” or melasma. These splotches can show up on your forehead, nose, cheeks, upper lip and arms. Pregnancy mask typically lingers past birth and fades over time – although in some cases the changes never completely disappear. To reduce pregnancy-related skin darkening:
RVA summers are tough. But by taking a few of these simple actions you’ll feel better, have more energy, keep your cool, and enjoy your summer pregnancy.