Proudly Part of Privia Health
We know that intimacy is important, and we want you to be able to have sex—later in life or after cancer treatment—for as long as you want.
MonaLisa Touch is a groundbreaking non-surgical laser treatment that can help you reverse many of these symptoms and restore your vaginal health without the use of hormones. The procedure is simple and safe and can help you be you with the fullest confidence.
There’s no need to suffer painful intercourse, vaginal dryness and itching and burning with urination. We’ve helped thousands of women with MonaLisa Touch®.
Let us help you get back to living a life you love.
What is MonaLisa Touch?
The MonaLisa Touch is a novel fractional CO2 laser therapy for gynecologic health. And, it’s a great solution for almost all women who experience vaginal atrophy symptoms related to menopause.
How does it work?
The procedure will seem similar to your annual exam,. Your health care provider will insert the laser tip into your vagina and delivery laser energy “pulses.” The treatment takes less than five minutes. MonaLisa Touch stimulates your body’s natural regeneration processes. It’s the first solution designed to naturally counteract the effects of atrophy of the vaginal wall. By stimulating the regeneration of new vaginal tissue, MonaLisa Touch restores your body’s natural balance and function.
Does it hurt?
The laser energy itself is painless. Some patients report mild discomfort with the insertion of the laser tip during the first procedure.
How soon should I expect results?
A few patients have reported mild relief after the first treatment. However, most will not experience full relief until after the third treatment.
Are the results long lasting?
Yes! Typically, positive effects last for a year. Thereafter, an annual single treatment is recommended.