Most people are familiar with the basic concept of menopause, but not everyone knows that it can affect a woman’s life and health in many different, sometimes difficult ways.
The symptoms of menopause are vast and varied. And even though every woman eventually goes through menopause, it is still a topic some people don’t feel comfortable talking about. For one thing, symptoms are often deeply personal. Menopause also marks a huge transition in a woman’s life, which can take an emotional toll. And societal influences around treatment can make going through menopause even more complicated. Dr. Vahora wants every woman to know she does not have to suffer in silence.
She practices precision medicine, looking at each woman as a whole and tailoring a treatment plan just for her. Since people experience different combinations of symptoms, there is no one approach that works for every woman. For some women, the primary concern might be hot flashes. For others, it could be vaginal dryness and how menopause is affecting their sex lives.
At her warm, welcoming practice, Dr. Vahora will talk to you openly about your experiences. Then she’ll help you navigate all your options, designing a treatment plan that suits your lifestyle and addresses your unique set of concerns. With Dr. Vahora, you don’t have to go through menopause alone.