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Hormone Therapy / Bio-Identical Hormones

Dr. Vahora treats many patients suffering from symptoms of menopause through hormone therapy. Bio-identical hormones are the same hormones that your body makes, meaning they are more compatible with the body.

Hormone therapy can help relieve symptoms of perimenopause and menopause through ingesting estrogen and progesterone. There are two types of hormone therapy:

Systemic Therapy: Hormones are released into the bloodstream and travel to the organs and tissues where they are needed. Estrogen will take the form of pills, skin patches, gels, or sprays for the skin. Progestin can be administered separately or combined with estrogen for this treatment. Combined treatment plans can be administered as a cyclic or continuous therapy system.

Local Therapy: Women with vaginal dryness may take “local” estrogen therapy through a vaginal ring, tablet, or cream. Small doses of estrogen are released into the vaginal tissue, and the estrogen helps restore the thickness and elasticity to the vaginal lining and relieve dryness and irritation.

Dr. Vahora works with pharmacists to create a specialized medicine compatible with each of her unique patients. Reflective of her overall practice philosophy, medication plans are similarly tailored to deliver ultra-personalized care. Some woman may choose non-hormonal options, including the MonaLisa Touch®.

What Exactly is Hormone Optimization? And Do I Need it?

One of the most frequent questions I am asked relates to hormone replacement therapy. Menopause patients want to know what it entails, is it safe, and how do they know if they need it. Let’s delve into this. My goal, as your doctor, is to make menopause as comfortable as possible. And that includes, pre- and post-menopause too. Hormone replacement therapy can do just that.

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Simply put, it’s a medication that contains estrogen. The medication replaces the hormones that you naturally stop making during menopause and is a common treatment for symptoms like vaginal discomfort and hot flashes. It’s even beneficial in helping to prevent bone loss and reduce bone fractures.


If you are experiencing any of the following, it may be a sign that you could be a candidate for hormone replacement therapy. Signs include:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Decreased muscle strength
  • Reduced sexual desire
  • Low energy, fatigue
  • Midsection weight gain
  • Hair thinning

Basic Types of Hormone Therapy

The main purpose of hormone replacement therapy is to replace the estrogen your body is no longer making. There are two types of therapy: systemic hormone therapy and low-dose vaginal preparations.

Systemic Hormone Therapy

This therapy typically has a higher dose of estrogen and comes in the form of pills, skin patches, rings, gels, creams, and sprays. The hormones are absorbed throughout the body via the bloodstream. If you still have your uterus, then progesterone or progestin therapy may be added to the treatment. The reason for this is that estrogen alone may stimulate uterus lining growth increasing the risk of endometrial cancer.

Low-Dose Therapy

This therapy is also referred to as local therapy as it only focuses on vaginal dryness.  It is administered directly into the vagina through a vaginal ring, tablet or cream. These release small doses of estrogen into the vaginal tissue, helping to restore the thickness and elasticity to the lining. The end result is the relief of irritation and dryness, and better sexual experiences. Because the doses are so low, these products typically treat only vaginal and urinary symptoms.

What’s Right For You?

We’re so fortunate that modern medicine gives us options for our healthcare. One of those options may be to choose a non-hormonal therapy such as the MonaLisa Touch®. Dr. Vahora firmly believes in the ultra-personalized care of her patients, including medication plans. She works with pharmacists to create specialized medicine compatible for each of her unique patients.