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News & Announcements

Labiaplasty – What It Is and Why You May Want It
Labiaplasty – What It Is and Why You May Want It

Jan 12

Are you familiar with the procedure called labiaplasty? If you’re not, don’t feel alone – not everyone has heard of it. Let’s start at the beginning with a definition. Labiaplasty is commonly referred to as “vaginal rejuvenation”, which is classified as an out-patient surgical, elective healthcare procedure. The procedure reduces the size of the skin (labia) that surround the urethra and vagina. Even though you might not have heard of it, labiaplasty is a common procedure. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reports that around 10,000 labiaplasty procedures are done annually.

Patient Portals – The New Patient Experience
Patient Portals – The New Patient Experience

Dec 8

Patient portals are becoming extremely popular in the medical industry for several very valid reasons. First and foremost, they help enhance the patient-doctor relationship by giving the patient a more active role in their health care. In other words, they encourage patient engagement.

Cervical Cancer and You
Cervical Cancer and You

Oct 14

Cervical Cancer needs to be a topic of discussion for every woman. Why? “Every year, more than 80,000 women in the United States are told they have a gynecologic cancer, and more than 25,000 women will die from it.” That’s frightening, but true. Pay attention to your body and know what signs to look out for.

Wellness Visits…A Must

Sep 14

These past couple of years have played a detrimental role in our health, greatly due to the COVID pandemic. Many things in our lives were cancelled or put on indefinite hold and, in many cases, we’re paying the high price for that now.

Struggling With HSDD?
Struggling With HSDD?

Aug 11

Don’t feel alone. Many women have a lowered appetite for sex and have been diagnosed as having Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD). HSDD can be frustrating and overwhelming as everyone’s level of sexual desire is different and it’s normal for the desires to change throughout a woman’s lifetime. Bottom line is that when your sexual desire is lacking, it impacts every aspect of your life. HSDD is common and occurs in up to one-third of the adult women in the U.S.

Incontinence? Emsella To The Rescue!
Incontinence? Emsella To The Rescue!

Jul 22

Incontinence is a common malady affecting both men and women of all ages. It’s embarrassing at any level. Whether it’s a small leak when you sneeze, laugh, or cough, or such strong sudden urges that it entails rushing to the bathroom, it’s annoying. And it can be especially troublesome when traveling.

Virtual Visits – Ideal for Initial Consults and Second Opinions
Virtual Visits – Ideal for Initial Consults and Second Opinions

Jun 10

The results are in! Virtual appointments are a hit with patients for many reasons. First and foremost, patients can schedule their appointments at their convenience. This is especially appealing when it comes to initial consults. Think of it this way… you can discuss your overall health, ask questions, learn about procedures you are interested in as if you were meeting with the doctor in person, all from the comfort of your home or office. This is also ideal when seeking second opinions.

Gifting Intimacy Wellness and Female Health for Valentine’s Day Makes Sense on Multiple Levels
Emsella Treatment for ED with Dr. Vahora

May 15

According to the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, about 40% of men are affected by erectile dysfunction at age 40 and 70% of men are affected at age 70. Enter Emsella for men. Emsella has been approved for men suffering with incontinence and erectile dysfunction because of weakening pelvic floor muscles. These muscles support all of the pelvic organs and when weakened, they can result in incontinence, premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction.

ED and Frequent Urination
ED and Frequent Urination

Apr 22

We’re often asked if there is a connection between frequent urination and erectile dysfunction (ED). In a word, the answer is yes. It’s a common problem experienced by many men – know that you’re not alone. Studies have shown that 40% of men at age 40 and 70% of men at age 70 are affected by ED. A 2021 study noted that men experiencing ED have a high chance of also experiencing incontinence or frequent urination (LUTS), concluding that there is a correlation between ED and LUTS.

Gifting Intimacy Wellness and Female Health for Valentine’s Day Makes Sense on Multiple Levels
Urinary Incontinence: An In-Office Therapy That is Incredibly Convenient

Apr 15

Many women have a disorder that they try to keep under wraps. If you are one of them, then you are familiar with crossing your legs and willfully praying you don’t leak. Does laughing, jumping, or sneezing bring on an accidental urine stream? Avoiding surgery is a common quest. Wearing pads and pullup panties to conceal leaks is inconvenient to say the least.